Friday, June 11, 2021

My Favorite Language Learning Technology

Language Learning and Technology

In recent years, technologies have been developed and innovated to assist and enhance language learning for both teachers and learners. Many teachers incorporated various formats of technologies into their class, which encouraged students to be involved in their language learning and maximize their learning opportunities. 

Those technologies play important roles in supporting teachers to manage the learning materials and learning environment; moreover, it also motivates language learners to engage them in the learning process of the target language and culture. 

However, it always confuses teachers and language learners when they take the new technologies into their learning environment. As a language learner and a MA/TESOL student, I have been looking for a technology that is useful and easy to use for both teachers and learners. It is also important that both of them don't need to spend money to utilize the technology.

"" is a website that teachers can use for free to create learning materials for language learners and other learners. 

When you click the "Browse Apps," you will find various subjects with examples. Teachers can use those pre-made learning apps if they find one for their classes. 

When teachers want to create their learning apps, they can create them from various templates. For example, it contains the matching pairs, multiple choices, cloze activity, and the millionaire game. 

After teachers create a learning application, you will have some options to share your learning apps. You will have a link, an embed code, and a QR code. Thus, teachers can copy and paste the link on their slideshow or share it with learners during the class by using a QR code. The application can use on the smartphone, so it will be useful for learners who don't have a computer. 

On this page, I introduced as one of my favorite technologies. I will keep looking for different technologies for language learning and future teaching!!

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