The mysterious Helen Magnus, played by Amanda Tapping, stars in this series. Magnus appears on the scene as a 162 year old teratologist and leader of the sanctuary network. Throughout this tv series, we follow Magnus and her team on adventures to find and capture strange creatures called abnormals. These creatures, or monsters, are seen by the sanctuary team as deserving of protection, especially since most of the abnormals they encounter are close to extinction. In fact, many on her team are abnormals themselves. Directly under her supervision is Biggy, a very strong abnormal covered with lots of hair and course skin, and Henry, who we find to be a werewolf later in the series.
As a tv series with only four seasons, Magnus and her team do an excellent job of making us relish every moment. This tv series also ties in historical fiction including characters like Jack the Ripper, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and even 18th century London. Plots range among the past, present, and future.
Sanctuary, a must watch for all science fiction fans!
I love sci fi! Thanks for this tip, Wei. I'm definitely going to look for Sanctuary. Is it streaming somewhere? Have you seen The Expanse on Prime. Weird and wow!
ReplyDeleteAMANDA! (I said 'Wei', but this is YOU! Sorry!)
ReplyDelete162 years old? how long can the average human live in the show?
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great show. I can't wait to check it out!
ReplyDeleteWei, Helen Magnus in this show is an "abnormal" and has the special talent of longevity as they call it. Unfortunately humans in this show live a normal lifespan.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Bridget, unfortunately Sanctuary is not on Prime, Hulu, or Netflix. I have my own copies. Let me know if you want to borrow them. ;)